Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Go Girly and Listen to Girl Talk- All Day

Greg Gillis better known as master mixer and DJ extraordinaire, Girl Talk, has quite literally perfected the art of remixing. For those of you who don't know, Girl Talk takes every pop, hip hop, rap and rock song you've ever loved over the past five decades and seamlessly interweaves them into one big dance track extravaganza. Word on the street is that Greg is even wilder live, turning his remixes into sweaty, primal dance music that doesn't let up until you collapse. Having never seen him live before, Girl Talk is at the top of my 'must-see' Coachella list. 

Here is a copy of his newest album, All Day. Get yourself familiar, because there's only 8 days left.
Girl Talk- All Day 

What To Wear While Listening:
'Gossip Gurl'
As you know, this season is all about bright colors and whacky patterns. Pair a patterned crop top with cute cut-offs and funky accessories to get the look, while still being dance-floor friendly. Add a brown braided belt for a hint of normalcy.
Gurl Talk

1 comment:

  1. loveeeee girl talk, and he is INSANE live. seeing him for the first time in barcelona remains the single-most awesome auditory experience i have ever had.
